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First assignment

By challinging the way we think as designers we have been participating in a workshop between MAD, Labofa and a 2nd grade in Marselisborg High.

Here we are: Lærke, Simone and I (team 3) and our 3 students from the school, in a good discussion about what could be changed.

The result was a lot of post-its plastered with ideas, problems and suggestions:

After brainstorming with the students, we sketched and talked a lot and ended up with a somewhat extreme concept:

Highschool as a boarding school!

live, eat and study together

Developing pages from my sketchbook:

About the proces I must say though, that it is extremely difficult not to ask leading questions. The way we think as designers are different from the students' way of thinking. They still think in a very straight line with asnwers like "yes" and "no", whereas out brains have been trained to think more circular where there is never a "no" or and end. And always one idea takes another and then another... Therefore I'm afraid that the dialogue and answers we got from the students were very much influenced from our kinds of questions, eventhough they were quite enthusiastic.

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