Arduino coding

Today I used Arduino to create a mirror that rotate horisontally when someone steps in front of it. Thanks to my brother I now have a code that works and the first electronic prototype!
The infrared proximity sensor has a too short range though so it only works when you're very close. I'm going to try another similar code but with another kind of sensor: A UltraSonic sensor that measures distance by sending and recieving sound (similar to what bats do). The one I will try out should be able to measure distance from 2 - 400 cm.
The Infrared sensor apparently is better in darker rooms or when you only need to measure shorter distantances (ex a robot car following a line on the floor)
Another problem with this first prototype is that it only rotates around one axis. I would like it to be able to tilt also, but I havn't figured out yet how that is possible...

First (very rough) mock up

Stepper motor and the IR

The Technological backside