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Casting Workshop I

Casting in Aluminium

1. Make positive form in burnable material

2. Cast in plaster

3. Burn plaster cast in clayoven - this way you get the mold

4. Heat the metal and cast

5. Break the plastermold to retrieve the aluminium cast

Single time cast = unique. This is usually a technique only used by artists, because every piece will need a new mold and therefore be unique.

I decided to make my testcast of a small doilie my grandmother made and sew it into a form and reshape it with hot wax. I wanted to see if the metal could make something a thin and fine as the knit.

Btw. Remember to put a pouring pipe and a couple of air ventilation pipes on the top points of the thing.

The dark wax give it a totally different look, and added a kind of darker, bug-ish feel. The wax made the knit thicker, stiff and also gave it a different texture:

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